Friday 9 November 2007

Ring of Fire

Clark's eyes burned, and his heart was racing. He pulled Chloe closer against him, protectively, possesively. He was jealous; insanley jealous. Even though his mother had always taught him that he shouldn't be jealous of what others had, and instead be thankful for what he did have, Clark was still envious. How many other men had had their hands on Chloe, their lips? Bruce? Jimmy Olsen? Were there others?

All that time he'd been pining over Lana, someone else had been bringing Chloe joy. It could have been him all along. No more... He decided, No one else is ever, ever, going to touch her. He was going to make damn sure of it.

She wasn't his, but he wanted her to be. And he was determined to prove to her that he'd been an idiot, and that he was going to keep her his. Clark took a few deep breathes to calm himself down. It was hard, but he could feel himself relaxing, soothed by the fact that she was just there in his arms. He looked down at her, bringing a big hand up to cup her cheek.

He didn't say a word, but instead scooped her up off her feet, hoisting her delicate form against his chest gently. Clark smiled and took a quick look around. When he was sure the coast was clear, Clark took off in a blurr, leaving behind a gust of wind in his wake.

Lois stepped out of the bathroom, "Hey Chlo....wa--" She called. But Lois paused, her brow creasing. Both Chloe and Clark had completly vanished. There was no way they could have made it down the hall in that short of time-- was there? "Huh..." She mused, shifting her weight to one foot as Oliver came up behind her. "Where'd they go?" She mumbled.

"Oh... I'm sure they just ran off somewhere to be alone Lois...." Oliver replied. "Like we should..."

Wednesday 1 August 2007

Wednesday 13 June 2007

A Walk To Remember

Chloe beamed, her whole face alight and glowing as she looked up at Clark, his short but sweet kiss causing a small amount of colour to rise in her cheeks. It was times like this, when he was in a moment of almost childlike sweetness, right down to the hesitant, innocent almost way he took her hand. She was about to open her mouth to reply to his words, when she heard her cousin’s words. A wry smile twisted her mouth. If only Lois knew just how true those words were…

A short, bark of laughter escaped her as Oliver repeated Lois’ old nickname, grinning back, squeezing Clark’s hand gently, hinting that they should escape until Lois or Oliver –or both- dropped any embarrassingly dirty jokes or hints that they knew exactly what was going on. Because she had a suspicion they did. She smiled to herself as Clark returned her squeeze with a firm one of his own.

Her eyes met Clark’s as he stumbled over his words, looking at her for ideas. She was slightly startled to find that she couldn’t come up with any stunningly good excuses for leaving the party either. “Um.” She said, not very helpfully, rubbing the back of her neck with a free hand. The fact that their hands were in the other’s was pretty much a telltale sign, and she was about to say something, even in earshot of the other couple. But then Clark spoke before her, even as she drew in a breath to speak.

She was slightly relieved, even if Clark spouted pretty much the lamest excuse in the universe. But then again, Lois wasn’t really suspicious, she knew damn well what was going on, and the smirk on her face that also showed in her hazel eyes proved that. She shrugged and let herself be steered for the cherry room, which lead to the main hall, and the exit out into the starlit grounds.

“A walk to remember…” she projected over her shoulder, turning her head and winking in return to Lois, grinning broadly and waving to them both in a ‘buh-bye’ gesture, a waggle of the fingers. The pair disappeared into the Cherry room, where ‘Sexy Love’ by Ne-Yo played, couples dancing. But she didn’t feel like dancing anymore. At least…not that kind of dancing.

'She makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, with just one touch...'

Tuesday 12 June 2007

A Walk

"What?" Clark muttered, shaking his head slightly. She'd shocked him back into reality. Clark's cheek flush red and he grinned sheepishly at Chloe. "Sorry Chlo..." Clark leaned down and pecked a quick kiss on her lips. He smiled a genuine Clark smile and took her hand. "Let's get away from all the billionares..." He echoed, leading her down the hallway towards the front door.

"And of course Lo--"

"Smallville? Chlo?" Lois' voice echoed down the hall. "Where are you two goin'? The night's just getting started!" The elder cousin tugged Oliver Queen down the hall behind her, grinning at Clark and Chloe.

"Yeah Smallville..." Oliver added, grinning at his old friends.

Clark rolled his eyes and gave Oliver yet another look of death. His hand tightened protectively in Chloe's and he pressed his glasses onto his face at the bridge. "Umm... no where... well.. somewhere... we have to..uhh...... " Clark looked over at Chloe helplessly.

He couldn't exactly tell them where or why they were leaving suddenly. But they needed to get out of there quickly. Clark was reconsidering asking for Chloe's help. She rarely held anything back, there was a good chance that she would tell them exactly where they were going.

"Walk... we're going for a walk..." Clark choked out quickly. He smiled at Lois and gave her an awkward pat on the back. "C'mon Chlo...." He whispered, turning Chloe towards the door.

Lois' left eyebrow went up and she snorted back a laugh. "A walk... right... " She mumbled to Ollie, giving Chloe a wink as Clark pulled her away; Lois knew better.

Clark The Exhibitionist

Chloe felt a sly grin tug at her mouth as Clark took on his customary innocently shocked look. One of her own eyebrows raised as he asked her what she meant. He knew damn well…she had been as obvious as she could without saying ‘Let’s go somewhere else and get naked’. And that just wouldn’t be classy. That would be too…Dawn Stiles-ish for her tastes. She bit her lip on a smile as he pulled her against him and asked the second, equally obvious question, her emerald eyes twinkling playfully in response to his tone.

Her eyes locked with his and she stood in silence for a moment, sliding her hands slowly up his arms to grip his shoulders, admiring the muscles beneath her palms, even through two layers of material. “Well I just don’t think it would be very…practical to pick it up from where we were here…” she said quietly in his ear, snickering slightly. She imagined Clark pushing her up against the wall and almost laughed out loud. Clark the exhibitionist? She didn’t think so.

She lifted her head to look at him, grinning still. “So what d’ya say farmboy? Wanna get outta here and escape all the billionaires?” she teased, tilting her head to the side, dark golden eyebrows raised. Something in his expression unnerved her. It was suddenly dark, almost angry looking. What was he thinking about? Surely he wasn’t listening for trouble on the streets at a time like this.


Sand In The Hour Glass

Clark's brow drift up curiously at her suggestion. After a long minute he grinned down at her and glanced around quickly. "Miss Sullivan... what are you suggesting?" Clark questioned, a hint of playfulness creeping into his voice. He smiled and slipped his arms around her waist gently, pulling her tiny form against his. "You wouldn't want to finish what you started in the bathroom now would you?"

He grinned down at her, raising a hand to adjust his glasses onto his nose. He was praying that she wanted to finish. Clark felt the fool for wasting so much time-- ten years-- with Chloe. There was only so much he could do to make it up to her now, after all this time. But he was determined to try.

The last thing Clark wanted was to watch Chloe slip from his fingers, again. He watched her smiling face fade away when she'd stepped onto that plane in the Metropolis. He couldn't watch it again in a few days. He imagined Chloe's stay in the area was going to be short lived. She'd probably attend a few events here and there and write her article, and be off to Gotham on the arm of Bruce Wayne. Clark's chest burned at the thought, and he knew it was jealously. Clark was certain they weren't together now, but that didn't mean they hadn't been. It made Clark sick to think of what Bruce what have done to Chloe, the things he may have whispered to her in the dark. He clneched his jaw. Clark wanted to be the only one to whisper to Chloe in the dark; and that was exactly what he intended.

"Because I would..."

Wednesday 6 June 2007


Walking away slowly, Chloe clutched her purple sequinned purse tightly in her hand as she wandered aimlessly, getting lost in the cavernous corridors of the now ancestral Luthor mansion, admiring the sound of her heels on the mahogany floor as she did so. Thinking about all that had happened, flashes of the fierce make-out session that had gone on in the bathroom before Lois appeared flashing in her head.

She smiled to herself as she heard Clark’s yell of her name. She’d known he wasn’t as stupid as to stay in there and try and battle out the tension when he could simply chase after her instead. She giggled as she felt a large hand close around her wrist, feeling herself propelled backwards against a strong, solid chest. As always, it reminded her just how special Clark was, and how lucky she was to be his best friend. Or did she count as his lover now? No. Not yet.

“I’m not going anywhere…not without you.” She assured him as she turned around, smirking slightly from the touch of his lips to her ear, her emerald eyes twinkling in the dimly lit corridor. “But I don’t think we should stay here.” She said in a more serious tone. “Lex really doesn’t like people wandering around on their own in his house.” She said, remembering the time of the second meteor shower when he had found her in the destruction of the cherry room after Clark pulled his vault to bits.

Chloe smiled up at him, her head tilted to the side, her mid length pale golden hair sliding off one side of her pale, almost porcelain like skin, her glossy pink lips twisted into a genuine, broad grin as she slipped her hand into his.

“…How do you like the idea of visiting my old apartment, in Smallville?”

A Good Reporter Doesn't Always Stay on Two Feet.

At the sight of Chloe's beautiful form retreating from the bathroom, Clark's eyes got wide and he shoved his way through Lois and Oliver. Unable to help himself, Ollie stuck out his foot and tripped Clark. The 'steadfast' reporter, stumbled and nearly tripped.

He whirled around to stare back at the pair, his face turning red at the laughter rolling out of Lois. Clark glared at them and adjusted his glasses on his face. "Gee.... I should pay more attention to where I'm going..." He stuttered nervously. An "I'll-get-you-later" was exchanged with Oliver and Clark dashed out of the room after his best friend.

"Chlo!" He called, jogging to catch up with her headstart. "Wait!" As he drew closer, Clark reached out and caught her wrist gently, tugging her back against him. He glanced around, convinced they were alone. "Where do you think you're goin'?" He whispered, brushing his lips over her ear as he spoke.

Clark turned her around slowly and grinned his typical boyish grin down at her. He raised a hand to adjust his specs once again. "Without me anyways..." He added. Clark continued smiling down at her, he'd just found her back in his life, he wasn't about to let her slip away again without making things right. Clark knew that he'd wasted too many years pining over Lana, and too many more years convincing himself he didn't deserve to have love.

All along he'd had that love, but he'd denied it. He had denied Chloe. No more denials. He was an adult, and he knew what he wanted, and intended to have it.

Sunday 3 June 2007

A Good Reporter Always Thinks On Her Feet.

Chloe had shivered with sweet delight at the feeling of Clark’s hands exploring the skin of her spine. It reminded her just how unlike the shy, frigid farmboy she’d grown up with was to the shy, yet confident man standing before her, kissing the hell out of her in a way she’d never thought he’d do to anyone, never the less her, of all people. Chloe Sullivan, the ‘friends only’ girl.

Just as she’d been getting used to the fiery passion of Clark’s lips dancing with hers, he tore them from her own, instead raining kisses along the swan-like arch of her slender throat. A part of her still couldn’t believe it. That Clark Kent was really pushing her up against a wall and running his hands and mouth all over her. Now making out in a bathroom in an awkward silk and taffeta purple evening gown had never been on her top fantasy list…but it sure as hell was now.

But her pleasant haze of pleasure and peace was shattered sharply as she plummeted back to earth. The door crashed open, revealing her considered otherwise occupied cousin, Lois Lane, and her apparently re-kindled lover, Oliver Queen. What a surprise. The billionaire playboy, do-gooder and owner of the JLA was back.

A snort of laughter rose up in her throat, and she stifled it with a hand, her chest shaking silently against Clark as she giggled soundlessly. The situation was so mortifying, she found herself hysterical, and tried desperately to regain control. After a moment, when the couple realised exactly what was going on and sorted themselves out, she lifted her head and offered a wobbly, amused smile.

But the grin faded from her face as Lois tried and failed to open the door. Shit. It was locked. This was ba- No, wait. No it wasn’t. Easily enough fixed when you thought about it. “Ah, a good reporter always thinks on her feet.” She quoted herself, lifting her right hand to the soft pile of gold pinned into place atop the back of her head, and removed one of the amethyst grips. She slid it into the place where the key would have gone, and twirled and twiddled with it for long moments, until the door finally swung open.

She turned back to the other three and smirked. “Well…according to my watch…it’s just gone midnight. Time for all good little girl reporters to be going home and give up trying to fit in with all the O.C party people and billionaires.” She announced, breaking the silence. “Lois, Oliver.” She nodded to them. “Clark.” She said, giving him a slow, secret smile, her green eyes twinkling as she turned away, disappearing from sight.

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Chlark Vid of the Moment

In response to Pixie's 'song of the moment' here's my pick for vid of the moment, brought to you by my good friend Matt.

Saturday 12 May 2007

Breathe - Faith Hill

My Chlark Song Of The Moment.

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Awkward Factor Eight

"Mmm..." Clark murmured against Chloe's lips, warmth spreading through him with her gentle touch. He slid his hands around her slender waist, brushing his palms along Chloe's bare back gently. He suddenly wondered what more of her skin would feel like, and he was dying to find out.

He pulled back from her lips, licking his to savor the champagne on her lips. He lowered his head, brushing his lips along the curve of Chloe's neck. Clark sucked in a deep breath, inhaling Chloe's feminine scent. She smelled delicious. Clark groaned in her ear, his breathing picking up.

Just as Clark was about to whisper the last thing he'd ever thought he'd suggest to Chloe, there was a sound on the other side of the door. He lift his head, arms tightening around Chloe protectively. The heavy wooden door flew open with a thud and Clark and Chloe were assaulted by two more bodies.

"Take me Ollie... right here..." Lois breathed against his lips, both their hands wild and demanding. Oliver kicked the door shut, distracted by Lois' assault.

Clark made a noise of disgust and cleared his throat. Lois dipped her head back and stared up and Clark and her cousin upside down. Oliver pulled his lips away from Lois' neck and stared, wide-eyed and Clark. "Uhh... well this is awkward..."

Clark nodded.

Lois grinned and straightened, too embarassed herself to ask any questions. "We'll just be going now..." She reached around Oliver and turned the door handle; Attempted to turn the door handle. "Uhh....."

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Who Was She To Complain?

Chloe grinned triumphantly at Clark’s extremely familiar, innocent embarrassment. It was so easy to make him blush, damnit. Especially when they were talking about anything to do with sex. His head had looked dangerously close to exploding that time he and she had discussed his lack of enthusiasm for sex where Lana was concerned. It had been very funny…even if the awkward tension factor in the room had been 8 and a half.

Her eyes met his and she raised an eyebrow, watching his expression change from adorable farmboy-awkward to confused, only just masked by his dorky glasses. He was just stood there, looking into her face, frowning as if considering something. But what did he have to think so hard about? He’d just been having a normal reaction to the closeness of a warm body right? What was so difficult to understand about that?

But her thoughts were brought to a sharp end as Clark’s lips met hers, sweeping her up into a deep, soaring with passion kiss. She responded automatically, one hand reaching up and removing his glasses; they hurt her nose, the other cupping his cheek as she deepened the kiss a little, shocked to the core about what was happening. But who was she to complain?

Just Like Every Other Male

"Chlo-eee!" Clark whined, gently pressing her back. His aqua eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. Yes, he was experiencing a 'typical male reaction' to having her warm body so close to his. But it was special; To him anyways. Clark didn't exactly get that 'happy' around just any woman.

His brow creased, he was unsure of how to make Chloe understand what he was feeling. His mind raced through all of the possibilities. What could he say? He was too stunned to say anything. What could he do? He was too confused to do anything. You have to do something you idiot. Otherwise Chloe will think you're just like every other male. Hah! That's anything but the truth.

Clark swallowed the lump in the back of his throat and lift a hand to Chloe's cheek, cupping it gently, barely touching her skin. He sucked in a breath and did the only thing he could think of. Clark kissed her. Not innocent and hesitant; Passionate and loving. Love. She needs to know that I love her. I am in love with her.

Friday 27 April 2007

Happy To See Me?

Chloe had smiled to herself as she felt Clark’s arms encircle her waist securely, it feeling sweet and right as usual, like she had been made to be there. This was a stupid, useless, mushy feeling, because the most part of her knew that Clark would never look at her as more than his confidante, friend and fellow freak. That is, meteor freak. She had found out the year she’d left that her mother was a meteor freak with odd mind control powers, and that she had dormant powers of her own. But no such powers had surfaced yet…and hopefully never would.

Then a surprised squeak slipped between her lips as Clark’s hands landed on her backside and lifted her up, surprised –and impressed- that her meek, shy farmboy best friend would be able to do such a thing without blushing for the whole of Kansas. But then again, her farmboy had grown up, and as much of a shy, awkward nerd he pretended to be, she had a feeling he’d grown out of that part of him long ago when he had made part of his career to save the people of Metropolis from destruction, disaster and evil.

But she sighed contentedly and loosely slipped her slender arms around his neck as he buried his face in her hair, his chin resting comfortably on her shoulder. His words warmed her, her smile widening and a blush appearing in her cheeks. “That’s us. We fall back on eachother…even after half a decade.” She added in a whisper with a half chuckle.

Her laugh trailed off with a gasp as Clark pulled her body more firmly against his. It seemed he was…interested. Her blush deepened a little. ‘Just a typical male reaction, Sullivan. Nothing particularly special about it’ she thought sharply, but decided to make a snarky remark anyway. “Hey hey hey…Is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?” she asked quietly, snickering.

Monday 23 April 2007

Always You

Clark bent his head to watch Chloe's slender fingers trail the curves of the 's' on his chest. He smiled to himself, just watching her fingers move over his chest. Clark felt the sudden desire to feel those fingers on his skin, nothing to barrier her touch from his chest.

When Chloe threw her arms around him, Clark was shocked and he wrapped his arms around her slender waist. "It was because of you Chlo..." He whispered in her ear gently. Clark lowered his hands under Chloe's rear and picked her up off her feet. He didn't necessarily mean to grab her perky little rear in an ungentlemanly manner. All he wanted was to have her face closer to his.

Clark leaned her up against the bathroom sink and slid his arms back around her waist, hugging her tiny body against him. He buried his face in her hair and sighed deeply. "It's always been you...." He mumbled softly, one hand sweeping up her back gently.

"Always..." He repeated, pressing against her a little firmer, feeling a stirring feeling, desires he thought he'd always kept at bay, creeping their way back into the picture. "Mmm..."

Saturday 21 April 2007

Justice League

Chloe was about to come out with some of her usual sharp-tongued snark as that comment came out, but held it back, simple giving him the mock evil eye as she chuckled along with him, casting away the slightly dirty meaning she got out of it after spending too much time with Lois. ‘Get your mind out of the goddamn gutter, Sullivan!’ she thought to herself, looking up to where he was leading her.

“A bathroom? You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said flatly, laughing and shaking her head. Typical Kent. Find somewhere private and secluded, even if it’s where your dead ex-girlfriend used to take a bath. When she thought of what Lois would say if she and Oliver came in here looking to…be alone, she smirked to herself, wiping it from her face as Clark held the door open for her, stepping inside.

She stood against the pristine white-tiled wall of the late Lana Luthor’s bathroom, listening to Clark’s stutter-filled speech with an eyebrow arched curiously, a wry smirk quirking one side of her mouth up at the mention of her many slightly less than subtle hints during their freshman-sophomore years of High School. She had given up in Senior year, because he was so happy on the football team. She had wanted him to be happy over anything else.

So she had been right. He had taken in and used her advice she’d once given him about being a mild mannered reporter by day, defender of Metropolis by night. And not only was he one of them. He was THE one of them. The leader of the Justice League…with Green Arrow, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, Wonder Woman and others.

“I should have known…” she whispered, more to herself than Clark, as she reached out a small hand and traced the ‘S’ on his chest reverently, her mind adjusting to the fact that her best friend saved hundreds of lives every day. She looked up, suddenly beaming. “I’m so proud of you Clark…” she whispered, throwing her arms around him and hugging tight.

Naughty Thoughts Aside.

"I'll find something to surprise you with yet..." Clark replied with a laugh. He glanced down the hall and pushed a door open. He rolled his eyes. Of course it had to be a bathroom. At least it would be private. No chance of being walked in on. Although that could be interesting if say Lois were to barge in.

Clark had no doubt that if Lois found them in the bathroom.. together... she'd automatically assume that something naughty was going on. But, Clark couldn't deny that that idea had briefly crossed his mind. Just what kind of trouble could he and Chloe get into behind the locked door of a bathroom in the Luthor mansion?

Naughty thoughts aside, Clark closed the door once Chloe was inside. He looked at himself in the mirror, he had practiced this a thousand times in front of his bathroom mirror at home, now came the time to shine.

He turned to face Chloe and smiled down at her. "Well... obviously... you've seen I took your sometimes not so friendly encouragement" He grinned, clearly teasing her. "To become a reporter. There was another suggestion you once had... and...well... " Clark paused, gripping the collar of his dress shirt.

With a deep breath, Clark tugged the first few buttons open, revealing the golden "S" emblazed on his chest. "I took that advice too..."

I've Seen It All

Chloe chuckled at his slightly unusual sarcastic reply. He was becoming more and more like the reporter she’d always known he had the potential to be. Earnest and Optimistic like he always had been, while Snarky and Stubborn too. “You do look funny though.” She told him with a giggle, letting him lift her hand, her French-tipped manicured nails shining in the brightly light cherry room of the Luthor mansion.

“When have I ever been able to say no to you?!” she teased gently, letting him lead her away without any fuss or fight. She trusted him completely, and by the way he was talking, his reason for becoming an incognito by day dorky reporter could only mean one thing…he’d taken up her offer. But which one of the now many superheroes around was he? She had a feeling she was going to find out.

She beamed up at him as he slung his arm around her shoulders, it felt comfortable as it always had when he’d used to do it in Freshman year of High School, before any of the Lana tension had caused them to be strictly ‘hugs are only for emergencies’ friends, meaning they hadn’t been quite as easy going with eachother ever since. And especially since when she’d been infected with Kryptonite juice and practically jumped him in his loft. Now that had been the definition of awkward.

“Bring it on. But I’m warning you now…I’ve seen it all. I’m pretty sure nothing can surprise me anymore.”


Clark smiled down at Chloe, sweeping a few golden strands from her brow. "Well... as much as I love making myself Lois' target for humiliation... the get-up isn't exactly fodder for insults... there's more to it then that..." He replied, gently pulling away from the dance as the music faded away. He grinned and took her tiny hand in his large, admiring her well manicured nails.

"Come with me... I'll show you why..." He whispered, glancing around quickly before leading Chloe off the dance floor and out of the ballroom. He smiled down at her and let go of her hand to sling his arm over her shoulders gently. When Clark had first made the decision to tell Chloe about being Superman, he thought that he would feel nervous, but he'd been wrong.

Clark felt as if it were the most normal thing in the world. After all... for years he'd been able to openly share his secret with her, it had never felt awkward. Clark wanted to show Chloe all that he was, and Superman was a part of that now.

Friday 20 April 2007

Chloe did Batman...Covered him I mean.

AN: This is Pixie's post, H, feel free to change the title lol

AN: Can't be sounds wrong...but eh. SR reference in there has to be honoured

Chloe smiled into his shoulder as he told her that this time around he wouldn’t leave. She knew that for damn sure…because even if he tried, she wasn’t letting go of him. Not again. Not now she’d been lucky enough to find him again. She didn’t believe in destiny…she thought that you chose what you did with your own life…but she did believe in fate. That life gives you chances to take your life different ways, and whether you take the risk or not is your own lookout.

Her eyes were closed, her forehead resting against his shoulder, at peace as they gentle swayed to the music, which had faded into ‘You And Me’ during the long, lingering dance they had been sharing. This made her think of Senior Prom, when she had sat with Lois and watched Clark dance with Lana to this very song, feeling, very selfishly she now thought, that Clark had dropped her heart and stomped on it. No. He’d never meant to hurt her. She’d been stupid enough to want to hold onto their friendship rather than acting on what she felt. She had been a foolish young teenager. But she was no longer. She was 24, and legally, physically, and emotionally an adult.

A smile crept across her lips as she felt the kiss Clark pressed to her hair, feeling warmth spread from the spot right down to her toes. Her small arms tightened around him at his small sound of content, at the way his hands held her against him, as if he feared someone was going to just come over and whisk her away again. And, in actual fact, she knew, that if Lois wasn’t keeping him talking, Bruce would be coming over to do just that. She hated the idea…but she knew that she belonged to Gotham now. They were worlds apart. She did Batman…Lois did Superman…well…covered them anyway.

At his mumbled utterance, her green eyes snapped open, alert and awake immediately as usual. Had he actually just said what she thought she’d heard? Not that it would make any difference if he had…he’d probably just mean in the best friend department, as she’d assured she and Bruce were in. Maybe he thought he had significant competition. This was a little funny really, because Bruce was maybe a little too old for her liking, at 36. Her head remained on his shoulder, though her eyes drifted over to where Lois was chatting to Bruce…and Oliver Queen. Now that was a shocker. Who knew so many old faces would be resurfacing. It seemed the pair were…well…happy to see eachother, as Bruce was looking profoundly uncomfortable. Poor guy. He was just the perfect third wheel.

She finally lifted her head, grinning into Clark’s face, her emerald green eyes shining happily as she stared into the mysterious aquamarine of her best friend. “So…are you gonna tell me why you’re wearing glasses when I know perfectly well that was a phase…and acting like a complete and total nerd, like you’re clumsy or something. You’re just giving Lois extra ammunition being such a dork y’know?” she laughed a little, looking over to Lois briefly again before locking gazes with him, waiting for an explanation. It had to be something to do with Oliver’s long ago offer to join forces and make a team of superheroes. Clark just worked like that. And maybe he’d taken up her idea of becoming like Andrea…her at one time ‘Angel Of Vengeance’, protector of Metropolis.

Thursday 19 April 2007


"This time..." Clark whispered in reply, groaning inwardly at the sensation of her lips against his ear, "I'm not going anywhere..." He smoothed one of his large hands over her tiny back and lead her into the only dance he knew.

Clark pulled back a little, looking down into Chloe's face. He smiled to himself, she was breathtaking tonight, as she always was. He found her more beautiful now than he ever had. The way her eyes were closed in contentment, the way a few stray hairs lay against her forehead. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss into the pile of golden locks, protectively hugging her against him.

"Mmm...." He mumbled without thinking, it just felt so right to have Chloe in his arms, her warm body pressed up against his. Clark still had so many things to tell her. Like Superman. If she already knew about Superman, Clark had no doubt she'd have deducted that it was him. But he wanted to officially tell her.

It didn't feel right to keep anything from Chloe. She'd always been his confidante, and he didn't want to share his secrets with anyone else but her. Clark wondered if he could tell her the biggest secret of all: his true feelings. The feelings he had hidden from her for the past five years.

On that tearful goodbye in the Metropolis Airport Clark had wanted to tell her then. He had longed to beg her to stay there, work with him at the Planet, move into his downtown apartment. But he hadn't.

Clark wrapped his arms around his tiny best friend, picking her up off her feet to hug her to the full extent, mindful not to crush her. He grinned like an idiot and whispered in her ear, "I could have you there in a matter of seconds..." He offered, referring to the speed in which he could carry her to Gotham City.

Clark sighed at the memory. Five years he'd lived with his silence. He was sure that after all that time she wouldn't care how he felt. He'd hurt her too many times. Clark didn't want to hurt her anymore. He just wanted to hold her, always. Clark tightened his arms around her gently, whispering to himself, "Mine."

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Perfect Memory

Chloe chuckled at her best friend’s eye roll, grinning at his hand holding onto hers more firmly. A surprised ‘Eeep!’ sound escaped her parted rosebud lips as he pulled her against him with slightly less awkward, farmboy-charm-like shyness than she was used to. He felt less like the dork who had stumbled into her and more like the kind, caring…hot guy he normally was. She raised her eyebrows and made a ‘Hmm’ face as she returned the grin, much like she had once when Lois had admitted, unknowingly, that Clark was good kisses, after mistaking him for the Green Arrow, who she had thought was her boyfriend Oliver Queen, due to a plot where Clark had taken Ollie’s place to get her off his trail.

“Hmm…I think you may Mr. Kent…” she replied also in a whisper with a wink of one spring leaf-green eye. She smiled and lowered her eyes to the ground as Clark leaned in and sniffed her skin, seeming to be taking in great breaths of the vanilla & lavender oil she’d practically bathed in, on Lois’ instructions, the night before, upon arriving in Smallville and settling into her and Lois’ old shared apartment over the Talon. Officially only hers now, as Lois lived somewhere in Metropolis to be closer to the Planet. And her sister, who now worked somewhere in the city too, after paying off her debts and minor crimes.

Her eyes closed as her arms encircled his neck and her head fit perfectly under his chin, her body melding against his as if she had never belonged anywhere else. She chuckled softly to herself as Lifehouse started playing ‘Everything’, reminding her strongly of the Freshman Spring Formal exactly 10 years ago, or at least by a couple of months. It had been the song on as they had arrived, and the one before when Clark had requested ‘Perfect Memory’ by Remy Zero. The memory of how everything had been so perfect…only to be shattered in a second, made her eyes string. But no tears appeared, it was too long ago to still be bitter about. And he had saved Lana’s life for god’s sake. He hadn’t been trying to abandon her at all.

“Heheheh…remember the last time we were here?” she whispered in his ear, her lips inadvertently brushing against his earlobe as she did so, her head tilted to the side. “So help me, if any twisters appear this time, I’ll put it down to be being a jinx to all dignified formal events.” She continued in a whisper, a small, harsh chuckle rolling from her throat.

Monday 16 April 2007

Fine... May I Have This Dance?

Clark rolled his eyes in response to Chloe. His hand gently tightening around hers. In a bold move, out of his 'dorky' persona, something more like his true self, Clark tugged her tiny frame flush against his. His free hand slid over her lower back, holding her against him. Clark grinned down at her, aqua eyes locked with green.

"Fine... may I have this dance Ms. Sullivan..?" He whispered, leaning close to her face. He thought he was in the position of power, but that changed the instant he caught a whiff of her feminine scent. Unconsciously, Clark nuzzled his nose against her cheek as he swept her into a dance.

His eyes drift shut, content with having her tiny, warm body against his. Everything was happening to fast, way too fast. Clark was finding it difficult to make sense of all the things he was feeling. There were many dormant feelings surfacing now. Things he hadn't felt in years, and even some things he hadn't felt in all his life.

"Mmmm..." He mumbled into her hair, pulling her just a little closer. Clark could feel eyes on them, and he prayed they were jealous eyes. Deep down Clark knew it was wrong to want to make someone else jealous, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted people like Bruce Wayne to know what he was feeling, just like he wanted Chloe to know.


Chloe had chuckled as Clark had replied to her ‘bad taste’ comment with a smirk and remark of his own. Her eyes followed his, falling on the bald billionaire, standing in a circle of conversation, pretending to be listening just like she had been. She couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him these days. After all, he had lost his child first time round, and wife and child for good at the second try, and still he donated money to charities and opened the Metropolis children’s hospital, which was what the ball was celebrating.

But she was brought sharply from her trail of thought, as always, by a gentle touch of Clark’s palm to her cheek. She smiled at him warmly, the subtle dimples in her cheeks showing as she did so. Why did he have such power over her, even after half a decade apart? It wasn’t fair sometimes how, she thought with a mental wry smile, he was her Kryptonite. Her only weakness.

She frowned as he got to his feet, but put her hand in his as she gracefully got to her feet, shrugging her shawl about her shoulders again, the amethyst chandelier-style earrings in her ears swinging back and forth. She pouted. “But you owe me a dance Mr. From about 10 years ago. And look who’s here?” she said in a slightly smug voice, gesturing with her thumb over to where Lifehouse stood on the stage.

Sunday 15 April 2007

I'll Have the 'Chlo'tini

Clark's expression mirrored Chloe's. "Careful Chlo... better not say that too loud... I think I saw Lex around somewhere..." He explained, taking a chance to survey the room. His eyes finally returned to hers and he just grinned at her like the BDA he was. "It's good to see you Chloe..." He said out of nowhere, reaching his hand up to cup her cheek gently.

His eyes held hers for a long moment before he broke away. He was letting long since dormant feelings surface far to often tonight. But it was damn near impossible not to. Her scent, her eyes, that dress. If she'd been a cocktail, Clark would order seconds, and thirds, and fourths and.. well you get the idea. Perhaps it was all because it'd been five long years since he'd seen Chloe. She'd always been a tiny little blonde bombshell, he'd just never noticed her in that light before. He'd never really thought of Chloe as 'sexy'. He certainly did now. And he was finding it hard to deny, even to himself, that he didn't want a drink.

"There's something I want to show you Chlo... you may or may not have figured it out already.... " He whispered, reaching down to take her hand as he stood. "Come with me?" He asked quietly, beaming down at her as he waited for a response.

Saturday 14 April 2007

One More Chance

Chloe raised her eyebrows as he asked the embarrassingly close to home question, of why she’d never accepted the invitation to court such a nice, successful, charming guy like Bruce undoubtedly was. The answer was equally embarrassing, and she felt her cheeks flush at the idea of speaking the exact words aloud. It was a stupid idea to tell him exactly what was going on in her heart and head, he’d just let her down as usual. But she felt she had to at least show him her faith in him and lay down one more chance.

As she watched his eyebrow quirk up and his face seem to loom closer, she wanted to tell him her pathetic ideals of waiting around like she always had for him to come back to her. As far as Clark had been concerned, she just could never give up on him, even if she said otherwise aloud. Like when he had run away to Metropolis three years ago, she told Lana to forget him and move on, but really she hadn’t done that herself, and gone looking for him again after her luck of stumbling across him once before.

She shivered slightly at the feeling of his slightly rough finger, compared to her skin anyway, trail down her sensitive forearm, her eyes closing briefly, biting back a low moan at the feeling of any direct physical contact. 5 years was a long time not to be touched by anyone. Especially the familiar sizzles of heat Clark’s touch sent through her nerves. It was pathetic that such a simple thing at him stroking her arm could do that to her and she knew it…but it was no use. He had all of her, and always would, no matter what.

“Well…I suppose you could say dealing with Lex so often put a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to the rich and famous.” She told him with a wry smirk.

You Don't Like Billionaires?

Clark glanced over to where Jimmy and Lucy stood, they both waved and Clark gave an awkward wave in return. He turned back to Chloe, one eyebrow raised curiously behind his glasses. "Why did you turn him down?" He asked, scooting his chair closer to hers unconsciously. He looked into Chloe's eyes, studying them carefully.

He wanted her to say she'd turned Bruce down because she'd spent the last five years waiting for him. That was selfish of him though. He knew that wasn't possible; He'd hurt her too many times in the past. Why would she wait for five years with the faint hope that he might come back.

Clark felt like a big fat idiot. Wait... what was that phrase? Oh yeah. BIG DUMB ALIEN. He sighed and trailed a finger down Chloe's bare arm without another thought. "You don't like billionaires?" He teased.

A Nice Guy

Chloe smiled brightly over at Clark as he chuckled at Lois’ immediate femme fetale tendencies. “She seems to like billionaires, huh?” she teased in a low voice she was sure only Clark could hear. She referred of course to Lois’ brief, pretty tragic-ending affair with the multi-billionaire Oliver Queen, aka The Green Arrow, from Star City. But Ollie had left Metropolis with Bart, A.C & Victor, his league of fellow Superheroes, after Clark had refused to join.

Her smile softened again as Clark’s hand reached up and brushed a stray lock of molten pale gold from her cheekbone behind her ear, an odd, rather alien to her look of lust in his familiar blue-green eyes, and gulped softly as he let his hand fall away, figuring he could feel Bruce’s eyes on them just as well as she could.

She sighed at his comment about Bruce, before realising from his small, wry smile that it was a joke. She loved it when he called her Chlo, he was the only one who called her that, other than Lois every so often. Then she laughed at his second comment, casting her eyes over to the dark headed billionaire and her light auburn haired cousin, who were chatting animatedly, despite Bruce’s eyes darting over so often and glaring at Clark.

“Well he’s a nice guy…and he’s asked me out for dinner so many times I’ve lost count…but look where dating a guy because he was nice and uncomplicated got me last time.” She told him in a world weary voice, looking over to where Jimmy stood with her cousin Lucy, who had undoubtedly been invited for her fantastic musical abilities.

Catching Up

Clark's hand automatically clasped around Chloe's as she took it and tugged him away. He glanced back and Lois and Bruce, letting out an amused laughed as Lois eyed the billionaire up and down and went right to working the Lane charms. A tug on his hand brought him back to his own reality.

He followed behind Chloe like a puppy dog on a leash, sitting when she instructed. He smiled at her, warm and bright. Clark wanted to touch her more and he drew a hand up to her face, brushing a loose strand of blonde hair from her cheek. The urge to taste her lips again was strong, but he knew they were being watched now, and let his hand drift away slowly.

"Your friend Bruce seems pretty over-protective for 'just-a-friend' Chlo..." He teased gently, straightening his tie as he sat back in his chair. Clark's aqua eyes drifted to where Bruce stood, staring him down. Playing the dorky reporter, Clark shrunk a little in his chair and brought his eyes back to Chloe's. "I think he wants to kill me..."

Mr. Intergalactic Traveller

AN: *hugs for C* No problem chica, they’re always worth it when you’ve hoarded enough coffee. I just always get enough coffee that it isn’t a problem.

Chloe’s look of ‘rabbit caught in headlights’ shock slowly turned into a bright, broad grin that lit up her whole face, bringing lights into her bright green eyes that danced as she beamed up at him, giggling as he brought his hands up to his sides and paused, looking as adorably awkward as ever.

He finally appeared to come to a decision, and the right one in her eyes, and pulled her into his arms, her head automatically fitting beneath his chin perfectly as always. She closed her eyes, his heartbeat meeting her ears for a moment, a soothing, familiar sound. It was slightly slower than a normal human’s, which probably meant, in theory, that he would live longer than a human.

She looked up into his eyes adoringly as he gently pressed her back, her broad grin faded to a warm, gentle smile. “Missed you too Mr. Intergalactic Traveller…” she muttered in reply, her eyes twinkling. She blinked as he seemed to lean down towards her, his face looming ever closer to hers? He wasn’t going to…? Was he? Her eyes drifted close in spite of her cynical nature; sure his lips were going to meet hers.

But just as she felt his lips draw close enough to hers that their breath mingled, and she could smell, almost taste the mint in his, a deep voice, a familiar voice, rumbled nearby. She sighed almost inaudibly as Clark drew back and let go of her, a wry, embarrassed smile quirking her lips as Bruce Wayne stood beside her, his hand on her mid back giving off the usual, protective signals. But it wasn’t like Clark would think at all. Bruce had asked her out many times, sure, but she had refused, hoping against hope Clark would miraculously fly out of nowhere. And now he had.

“Bruce, meet Clark Kent. My best friend in the whole universe.” She smirked slightly at the irony of this, his eyes twinkling again. ‘He’s just a friend’ she mouthed to Clark. Then her eyes fell on Lois, who had appeared at Clark’s side, looking curious. She shrieked, surging forward from Bruce’s side to throw her arms around her older cousin, hugging her tight. “Ohmigosh! Lo!” she exclaimed, feeling so happy to see her that she didn’t care how girly and unprofessional she sounded.

Finally she released her, still beaming, and looked over to Bruce, who wore an amused expression at her public display of elation at seeing Lois. “Um, Bruce, could Clark and I have a moment to catch up? I haven’t seen him in a long time. I’ll leave you in my cousin, Lois Lane’s capable hands.” She told him with a smirk, slipping her hand into Clark’s and gently leading him away to the side, sitting down at a table.

Friday 13 April 2007

Big Dumb Alien

AN: My apologies to Pixie. I meant to reply sooner, but I kind of fell asleep. *hugs for H*

"Chloe?!" Clark mirrored, his aqua eyes growing wider as they stared down into hers. He felt the sudden urge to envelope her in his arms, and raised his hands. Clark paused; He wasn't sure if it was appropriate to hug a best friend he hadn't seen in five years.

Of course it is, hug her you big dumb alien!

Listening to his inner voice, Clark wrapped his arms around her small frame and pulled her against him. It'd been too long since he'd held her. A flood of memories hit him like a tidal wave. He remembered all the things they'd shared together, good and bad times. Unconsciously, Clark found himself inhaling Chloe's unique scent. His hand brushed along her back, and he caught himself, stopping his hand in the middle of Chloe's back.

He pulled back slowly, looking down into her face. Clark smiled warmly. "Missed you..." He mumbled. Clark found himself lost her emerald eyes. They were the same eyes he'd looked into a million times, but never had he felt the same pull he felt now. Clark felt something strange: the urge to kiss her, and not just a little friendly kiss. Clark wanted to really kiss her. He leaned closer. Clark hoped that after all these years she still had feelings for him, because after seeing her again, he was starting to think he was starting to love Chloe in a way he'd never thought was possible.

His face drew closer to hers, but his move was quickly interrupted by a voice. "Chloe... who's your friend?" The voice was deep, and irritated. Clark grit his teeth together and slowly released Chloe, hating to let her go. He stepped back and stuffed his hands into his pockets as Bruce Wayne cleverly maneuvered between the old friends. Clark's brow creased, and he was thankful for the glasses, they hid alot of his facial expressions, which turned out to be an advantage in a situation like this.

Clark watched as Bruce casually rest a hand on Chloe's back, as if to claim her. temper flared up inside of Clark, a deep rage. He couldn't quite put his finger on what he felt, it was something strange, something Clark hadn't felt in a very long time: jealousy. All Clark suddenly wanted was to pull Chloe back into his arms and claim her as his.

Of course she wasn't his, and he had no right to her after five years. Clark had so many chances with Chloe, and he let them all pass right by him. She'd been right there before him all his life, and only now was he beginning to realize she was there. It was clear, however, that Clark had missed out on her. Bruce Wayne was obliviously smitten with her. Clark couldn't blame Chloe if she wanted to be with a man like Bruce Wayne. He had the resources to treat her like the princess she was. What did he have to offer?

He was just a big dumb alien from another planet who flew around Metropolis in tights trying to make it a better place. He wasn't rich, he wasn't successful, and he'd hurt her too many times. The brief hope that he may have one last chance with her flicked out at the realization of what he was. A Big Dumb Alien.

Thursday 12 April 2007

Chloe Chronicles

Chloe had eventually drifted out of her long since lost memories and back into the conversation, with the help of Bruce, who as usual had come to rescue her from her inarticulate feelings she got around all the other Nobel Prize and Pulitzer winners who were congregated here for yet another of his all mighty charity balls. It seemed he had paid off a couple of bands…including…She gasped as she saw what was undoubtedly all the 4 band members Lifehouse stood in a group talking to what seemed to be The All American Rejects.

Her eyes fell on Lois, who looked exactly as she always had, only dressed in formal wear and with darker hair. She waved, but dropped her hand with a small grunt of annoyance as her cousin turned away without seeing and engaged in an animated conversation with a tall, dark haired guy with glasses. She thought the way he stood was vaguely familiar, but shook her head and snorted with laughter in her throat at the thought, turning back and, on request, told one of the crowd about her early days, when she had worked in Metropolis at the Planet, writing obituaries and small two-bit articles about the Green Arrow.

But half way through her story, when she had got to the part where she’d left Metropolis to fulfil her true potential in Gotham, a large, solid someone crashed into the back of her, and she would fallen forward if not for the hands that gripped her delicate boned shoulders, keeping her upright and steady. She faintly heard whoever it was try to apologise, and tried wrenching her shoulders free so she could see his face, but with put out surprise noticed that she couldn’t. Physically couldn’t. She stood perfectly still, blissfully unaware of her ‘captor’s inner turmoil.

When the hands finally let go she spun around, resettling her filmy purple shawl that matched her twilight-toned silken dress, resettling her semi-precious stone tiara among the soft curls of piled molten gold. Fully straightened, she looked up into the face of the dorky-looking guy Lois had been talking to. Thunder clapped into her head and her lips parted, her mouth falling slightly open. It couldn’t be. But as her emerald green eyes looked up into the guy’s aquamarine, she thought she at least had to voice her thought aloud.


Wednesday 11 April 2007

Enter: El Dorko

Clark ducked into the ball late. His newly found duties were making him late for everything. And this was the last thing he wanted to be late for. Clark knew very well that Chloe would be around somewhere; All he had to do was find her. That shouldn't be too hard... He thought to himself, straightening his tie as he waded through the crowds.

"Smallville.... nice of you to show up..." A familiar voice chided from behind him. Clark had to bite his tounge, but turned to face Lois regardless. He faked a smile, only half the irritation real.

"Lois...I should have known..." He mocked in return, adjusting the wire rim glasses on his nose. "Don't you have a story to be working on... Superguy or something? I thought Perry assigned you to sit out on the roof? Can I escort you to the elevator?" Clark grinned down at her, receiving the typical eye-rolling from Lois. "Ok, ok..." He relented softly, imitating defeat as Lois turned away.

Clark caught a glimpse of a very unlady-like gesture directed towards him discreetly. She mouthed the words 'El Dorko' in his direction. Lois had been taking Spanish classes at Met U. for a brief time, in the hopes of impressing a long since gone boyfriend, and she just couldn't resist the development of a new nickname for Clark. She had a million: El Dorko one of his least favorites. Clark grinned to himself and turned around. For a man with super-speed and extra sensory abilities, Clark wasn't paying much attention to what he was doing, or where he was going. But then, that was part of his persona; His persona as Clark Kent...

Before he knew just what was happening, his broad chest collided with a warm feminine back. His hands clamped gently onto bare shoulders and his aqua eyes bulged behind the lenses of his glasses. "I'm..." A thousand memories rushed through Clark's brain before he could finish his sentence. Who knew a scent held such strong powers? Not him. The images, the feelings, the emotions had him reeling, searching to find the present, the reality. "Sorry..."

The second word barely escaped from his gaping mouth as he looked down into a pile of soft golden hair. He instantly felt the urge to bury his face in it, but managed some dignity and held steady. Desire to sniff the blonde locks had passed, but other desires had not. The bare skin of her arms was warm, too warm. Clark's hand twitched, aching to stroke along the soft skin.

What is wrong with you Clark!? You don't even know this woman! He scolded himself. Clark thought he didn't know who's tiny frame remained pressed up against his. And Clark felt that if said frame remained so close, it's owner might get an unpleasant hello.

"I'm sorry..." Clark repeated more firmly, louder, finding some strength in his voice. His hands fell away from the bare arms and he took a step back, attempting to rid his senses of her scent. "I wasn't paying attention..." He added, once again pressing the glasses back onto his face, re-convincing everyone of his 'dork' status.

Chlark - Reunion - Version II

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Chloe sighed from where she stood in a circle of bright, happy people, chatting and laughing enthusiastically. She had a while ago stopped trying to keep up in the conversation of these people so unlike her, people who had grown up, like Bruce Wayne, the host of the particular charity dinner she was attending, surrounded by money and blessed with exceptional beauty. She, quite to the contrary, was, in her opinion, of average prettiness and had been born in a big city, Metropolis, only to move away and grow up instead in a small hick town in Kansas, quite aptly named ‘Smallville’.

But how she had got from insignificant yet ambitious little girl, to a successful, high ranking, Pulitzer prize-winning reporter was an interesting, and rather strange tale by all standards. On her very first day at Smallville Junior High, she had met the three people that would change her life forever. Lana Lang, Pete Ross…and Clark Kent. They had not immediately seen she was new, and hadn’t been born among them, and dismissed her as the prissy girl not to talk to. They had put up with her slightly pompous attitude, seeing the bright, enthusiastic, good person she was beneath.

As the time past, through all the secrets and lies, the romance and jealousy, the three of them remained close. That was until Pete and his mother left for Wichita, later she found out, after crumbling under the weight of Clark’s mighty secret, and being kidnapped and an FBI agent trying to beat the information out of him. Luckily, even after Clark told her that he was an al- intergalactic traveler, she never found herself in a situation anything like that.

Later on, by the time she was well used to Clark being so different and able to do so many otherwise impossible and fantastic things, there was still Clark’s deep set, depressingly devoted feelings for Lana Lang to help him through, who at one time he had dated, and then, seemingly half way between being scared of smashing her to bits and unsure if he really just loved the idea of her more than loved the girl herself. Then ironically, Lana moved straight on to Lex Luthor, Clark’s ex best friend, and now mortal enemy, later marrying him, becoming pregnant with his baby, then losing it.

But now, 5 years on, she was working at the Gotham Gazette, having escaped Smallville, shortly after the death of Lana, who had miscarried she and Lex’s second attempt at a family, and died of fever on Christmas eve, an unfortunate time for her fate to be sealed. Her announcement that she was leaving had caused an uproar in her hometown, especially since her discovery that she had meteor freak genes, and that her unknown power might someday manifest, making her go insane.

Contact with Clark and Lois had been minimal. Sure, they’d sent birthday cards, had telephone calls, email and IM chats, but it was safe to say that Chloe Sullivan hadn’t seen her two remaining best friends for the best of half a decade. She knew that the pair of them, along with Jimmy, now both worked at the Daily Planet, where she had once worked, but with the leave of Oliver Queen, The Green Arrow, there had been nothing more interesting to write than obituaries, what she had first been famous for in her early days of working at the Planet.