Thursday 19 April 2007


"This time..." Clark whispered in reply, groaning inwardly at the sensation of her lips against his ear, "I'm not going anywhere..." He smoothed one of his large hands over her tiny back and lead her into the only dance he knew.

Clark pulled back a little, looking down into Chloe's face. He smiled to himself, she was breathtaking tonight, as she always was. He found her more beautiful now than he ever had. The way her eyes were closed in contentment, the way a few stray hairs lay against her forehead. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss into the pile of golden locks, protectively hugging her against him.

"Mmm...." He mumbled without thinking, it just felt so right to have Chloe in his arms, her warm body pressed up against his. Clark still had so many things to tell her. Like Superman. If she already knew about Superman, Clark had no doubt she'd have deducted that it was him. But he wanted to officially tell her.

It didn't feel right to keep anything from Chloe. She'd always been his confidante, and he didn't want to share his secrets with anyone else but her. Clark wondered if he could tell her the biggest secret of all: his true feelings. The feelings he had hidden from her for the past five years.

On that tearful goodbye in the Metropolis Airport Clark had wanted to tell her then. He had longed to beg her to stay there, work with him at the Planet, move into his downtown apartment. But he hadn't.

Clark wrapped his arms around his tiny best friend, picking her up off her feet to hug her to the full extent, mindful not to crush her. He grinned like an idiot and whispered in her ear, "I could have you there in a matter of seconds..." He offered, referring to the speed in which he could carry her to Gotham City.

Clark sighed at the memory. Five years he'd lived with his silence. He was sure that after all that time she wouldn't care how he felt. He'd hurt her too many times. Clark didn't want to hurt her anymore. He just wanted to hold her, always. Clark tightened his arms around her gently, whispering to himself, "Mine."

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