Wednesday 6 June 2007

A Good Reporter Doesn't Always Stay on Two Feet.

At the sight of Chloe's beautiful form retreating from the bathroom, Clark's eyes got wide and he shoved his way through Lois and Oliver. Unable to help himself, Ollie stuck out his foot and tripped Clark. The 'steadfast' reporter, stumbled and nearly tripped.

He whirled around to stare back at the pair, his face turning red at the laughter rolling out of Lois. Clark glared at them and adjusted his glasses on his face. "Gee.... I should pay more attention to where I'm going..." He stuttered nervously. An "I'll-get-you-later" was exchanged with Oliver and Clark dashed out of the room after his best friend.

"Chlo!" He called, jogging to catch up with her headstart. "Wait!" As he drew closer, Clark reached out and caught her wrist gently, tugging her back against him. He glanced around, convinced they were alone. "Where do you think you're goin'?" He whispered, brushing his lips over her ear as he spoke.

Clark turned her around slowly and grinned his typical boyish grin down at her. He raised a hand to adjust his specs once again. "Without me anyways..." He added. Clark continued smiling down at her, he'd just found her back in his life, he wasn't about to let her slip away again without making things right. Clark knew that he'd wasted too many years pining over Lana, and too many more years convincing himself he didn't deserve to have love.

All along he'd had that love, but he'd denied it. He had denied Chloe. No more denials. He was an adult, and he knew what he wanted, and intended to have it.

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