Tuesday 17 April 2007

Perfect Memory

Chloe chuckled at her best friend’s eye roll, grinning at his hand holding onto hers more firmly. A surprised ‘Eeep!’ sound escaped her parted rosebud lips as he pulled her against him with slightly less awkward, farmboy-charm-like shyness than she was used to. He felt less like the dork who had stumbled into her and more like the kind, caring…hot guy he normally was. She raised her eyebrows and made a ‘Hmm’ face as she returned the grin, much like she had once when Lois had admitted, unknowingly, that Clark was good kisses, after mistaking him for the Green Arrow, who she had thought was her boyfriend Oliver Queen, due to a plot where Clark had taken Ollie’s place to get her off his trail.

“Hmm…I think you may Mr. Kent…” she replied also in a whisper with a wink of one spring leaf-green eye. She smiled and lowered her eyes to the ground as Clark leaned in and sniffed her skin, seeming to be taking in great breaths of the vanilla & lavender oil she’d practically bathed in, on Lois’ instructions, the night before, upon arriving in Smallville and settling into her and Lois’ old shared apartment over the Talon. Officially only hers now, as Lois lived somewhere in Metropolis to be closer to the Planet. And her sister, who now worked somewhere in the city too, after paying off her debts and minor crimes.

Her eyes closed as her arms encircled his neck and her head fit perfectly under his chin, her body melding against his as if she had never belonged anywhere else. She chuckled softly to herself as Lifehouse started playing ‘Everything’, reminding her strongly of the Freshman Spring Formal exactly 10 years ago, or at least by a couple of months. It had been the song on as they had arrived, and the one before when Clark had requested ‘Perfect Memory’ by Remy Zero. The memory of how everything had been so perfect…only to be shattered in a second, made her eyes string. But no tears appeared, it was too long ago to still be bitter about. And he had saved Lana’s life for god’s sake. He hadn’t been trying to abandon her at all.

“Heheheh…remember the last time we were here?” she whispered in his ear, her lips inadvertently brushing against his earlobe as she did so, her head tilted to the side. “So help me, if any twisters appear this time, I’ll put it down to be being a jinx to all dignified formal events.” She continued in a whisper, a small, harsh chuckle rolling from her throat.

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