Saturday 14 April 2007

A Nice Guy

Chloe smiled brightly over at Clark as he chuckled at Lois’ immediate femme fetale tendencies. “She seems to like billionaires, huh?” she teased in a low voice she was sure only Clark could hear. She referred of course to Lois’ brief, pretty tragic-ending affair with the multi-billionaire Oliver Queen, aka The Green Arrow, from Star City. But Ollie had left Metropolis with Bart, A.C & Victor, his league of fellow Superheroes, after Clark had refused to join.

Her smile softened again as Clark’s hand reached up and brushed a stray lock of molten pale gold from her cheekbone behind her ear, an odd, rather alien to her look of lust in his familiar blue-green eyes, and gulped softly as he let his hand fall away, figuring he could feel Bruce’s eyes on them just as well as she could.

She sighed at his comment about Bruce, before realising from his small, wry smile that it was a joke. She loved it when he called her Chlo, he was the only one who called her that, other than Lois every so often. Then she laughed at his second comment, casting her eyes over to the dark headed billionaire and her light auburn haired cousin, who were chatting animatedly, despite Bruce’s eyes darting over so often and glaring at Clark.

“Well he’s a nice guy…and he’s asked me out for dinner so many times I’ve lost count…but look where dating a guy because he was nice and uncomplicated got me last time.” She told him in a world weary voice, looking over to where Jimmy stood with her cousin Lucy, who had undoubtedly been invited for her fantastic musical abilities.

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