Friday 27 April 2007

Happy To See Me?

Chloe had smiled to herself as she felt Clark’s arms encircle her waist securely, it feeling sweet and right as usual, like she had been made to be there. This was a stupid, useless, mushy feeling, because the most part of her knew that Clark would never look at her as more than his confidante, friend and fellow freak. That is, meteor freak. She had found out the year she’d left that her mother was a meteor freak with odd mind control powers, and that she had dormant powers of her own. But no such powers had surfaced yet…and hopefully never would.

Then a surprised squeak slipped between her lips as Clark’s hands landed on her backside and lifted her up, surprised –and impressed- that her meek, shy farmboy best friend would be able to do such a thing without blushing for the whole of Kansas. But then again, her farmboy had grown up, and as much of a shy, awkward nerd he pretended to be, she had a feeling he’d grown out of that part of him long ago when he had made part of his career to save the people of Metropolis from destruction, disaster and evil.

But she sighed contentedly and loosely slipped her slender arms around his neck as he buried his face in her hair, his chin resting comfortably on her shoulder. His words warmed her, her smile widening and a blush appearing in her cheeks. “That’s us. We fall back on eachother…even after half a decade.” She added in a whisper with a half chuckle.

Her laugh trailed off with a gasp as Clark pulled her body more firmly against his. It seemed he was…interested. Her blush deepened a little. ‘Just a typical male reaction, Sullivan. Nothing particularly special about it’ she thought sharply, but decided to make a snarky remark anyway. “Hey hey hey…Is that a gun in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?” she asked quietly, snickering.

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